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Social Weekly News and Trends

Social — Week 49, 2016

ok gaming
Social network OK.ru opens up access to the gaming platform in private messages for third-party developers. As reported in the official blog of the social network of the first Russian game, running through private messages, OK, will be a "Sea Battle" from the company Orange Apps. Also during the month on the platform will be released two more games from French developer LISDWI — "Yahtzee" and PvP game.
instagram comments
Instagram announced the launch of new features aimed at combating offensive behavior in the context of the service.
local fb usa
For according to a new report, Borrell Associates, 78% of companies local business in the United States there is a page in Facebook, and 62% of them buy ads on the social network.
facebook frames
Facebook launched a new tool through which you can create frames for photos and videos to social networks. It is available to everyone on the link.
facebook activity
Facebook has identified ten topics that have attracted the most attention of users in 2016.
okru earned
Users of Odnoklassniki social network became available , the function of remittances to the group. The translation can be done any group to pay for the services provided by the community, to Express gratitude and to support the development of the group or to donate funds to charity.
pinterest business
Pinterest presented a new design of the business pages. The main innovation was the addition of so-called "showcase". This is a new interactive unit, which can include up to five elements – boards or pins you can buy.
icq ios
For ICQ users in applications for the iPhone and iPad have the opportunity to handle your photos and videos with the help of neural networks. The photo or video you can send to social networks, any chats or ICQ to share it in the section "History".
microsoft linkedin
Microsoft closed the deal to acquire the social network LinkedIn. About it declared the head of the Corporation Sathya Nadella.
linkedin roskomnadzor
In order to be unlocked by Roskomnadzor, the social network LinkedIn must locate all personal data of Russian citizens on the territory of the Russian Federation within 6-8 months.About it reports RNS, citing a statement by the head of the Supervisory Department Alexander Zharova.
twitter hashtag
The microblogging service Twitter has published a list of the 10 most popular hashtag in the world by the end of 2016.
es linkedin microsoft
The European Commission has approved a deal to buy the social network LinkedIn company Microsoft.
facebook truthfulness
Facebook offers users to assess the veracity of the news headlines in the feed, reported The Verge.
google facebook terrorism
The world's largest IT companies, including Facebook, YouTube (Google), Twitter and Microsoft, announced the creation of a common database, which aims to help in the fight against the spread of "terrorist content" on the Network. About it reports The Wall Street Journal.
authors social networks
Number of writing by Russian authors for November 2016 amounted to 35 million during this period they were generated 698 million messages. To such conclusion experts of the Brand Analytics, conducted another study active audience of social networks in Russia in November 2016. The study included data on social networks VK, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, My space and LiveJournal.
linkedin issue
The attendance of the LinkedIn social network in Russia after lock fell by 36%. About it reports RNS with reference to the traffic report analysts Rambler & Co, based on data from SimilarWeb.
eu hate speech
The European Commission has called on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and Microsoft faster to take action against the incitement of hatred in their services, reports Reuters.