Roskomnadzor called the conditions and terms of unlocking LinkedIn

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In order to be unlocked by Roskomnadzor, the social network LinkedIn must locate all personal data of Russian citizens on the territory of the Russian Federation within 6-8 months.About it reports RNS, citing a statement by the head of the Supervisory Department Alexander Zharova.

"I very much hope that the outcome will be positive, predict it, of course, until it took place, it is very difficult, but the conditions are very simple: LinkedIn needs to declare that they locate all personal data of Russian citizens on the territory of the Russian Federation. And we are meeting with them to negotiate reasonable terms of this localization. Normally we give 6‒ 8 months for any company. And in that moment, when it will be made and documented, we conduct documentary verification that this took place, and the social network will return to Russia", — said Zharov.
Also today, a meeting of Roskomnadzor and Vice-President of the social network of professional contacts LinkedIn Pablo Chavez. According to the statement of the representative of supervising Department Vadim Ampelonskiy, the conversation passed in a constructive key. Concrete results of the talks were not disclosed.

Recall, November 17, Roskomnadzor has made LinkedIn into the register of infringers of the law on personal data according to the decision of the Tagansky district court on 4 August. November 10, the Moscow city court upheld the decision of the court of first instance and dismissed the appeal on LinkedIn the decision to block in Russia.

According to the report traffic analysts Rambler & Co, the attendance of the LinkedIn social network in Russia after lock fell by 36%. In October, the number of visits to social networks in Russia amounted to 8.09 million In November this figure dropped to 5.16 million

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