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Social Weekly News and Trends

Social — Week 51, 2016

icq ios
In the updated editor for Android ICQ focuses on the emotions of users, you can easily handle photos, draw pictures, add masks, filters and various stickers. In addition to the new version, all features of the editor available for creating colourful avatars.
vk mobile devices
Team VK announced about the launch of the new application for communities – Jobs. It can be used to search for employees without leaving the social network. It broadens the base of possible candidates, because not all are special sites for job search, and often does reside in a passive search of a new place.
twitter two top
Technical Director Twitter Adam Messinger, Vice-President for product Josh McFarland announced his decision to leave the company.
instagram stories
The photo service Instagram has added new features and tools in the Stories section. It now has stickers, a paintbrush and other features.
vk app
Roskomnadzor together with Mail.ru Group and relevant agencies will develop a scientific methodology for operational monitoring and identification of materials and communities focused on suicide. About it reports RNS, citing the results of the meeting of sectoral working group, chaired by the head of Department Alexander Zharov.
turkey social block
On December 19 in Turkey has restricted access to Facebook, Twitter and YouTube after the murder of the Russian Ambassador Andrei Karlov. About it reports The Daily Dot, citing the organization Turkey Blocks, which monitors the situation.
glava euro fines
In the European Union can adopt legislation aimed at the fight with fake news in social networks. This initiative was made by the President of the European Parliament Martin Schulz, reports Deutsche Welle.
twitter lead off
Twitter has revealed a bug in the Android app, which led to overreporting of impressions of advertisements among users of this platform.
facebook live audio
Facebook introduced a Live Audio – a new option that allows for live broadcasts in the "audio only".
whatsapp auto deleted
The European Commission may fine Facebook for 1% of revenue for 2014. Social network is accused in the fact that it introduced the controller to the error regarding the details of the transaction on purchase of WhatsApp. About it reports Business Insider.
twitter test alerts
Users have noticed that Twitter is testing notifications about important news. The latest of these was the incident at the fair in Berlin. Last month the company the same way inform the user about the death of Fidel Castro.
facebook censorship
Facebook found a new error in their measurements. This time we are talking about viewing the "instant articles".
search fake news
Scientists from Indiana University have created a search engine with which you can track the spread of fake news on the Internet.
fb mentions edit
Facebook has announced that users of the app for celebrities, Mentions, will be able to edit the saved video. In particular, trim the beginning and end of the video after the broadcast.
facebook govern
Facebook has published a report on government requests in the first half of 2016. According to the company, the number of such cases increased by 27% compared to last year.
twitter hashtag
Twitter announced that now the search results in the service will be ranked by relevance, not time of publication.