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Social Weekly News and Trends

Social — Week 50, 2016

facebook mass media
Facebook is launching a number of innovations that are designed to help the company to cope with the spread of fake news on the social network.
vk audio
Users of social network VK started to complain to the advertising recordings. She now plays at the end of the listened tracks and is marked with a yellow marker:
twitter lead off
Twitter announced the impending disconnection of the advertising format Lead Generation Cardused to collect the contact information of the users.
twitter explore
Twitter more than a year working on creating its own messenger, but eventually abandoned the idea and closed the project. About it reports Buzzfeed.
instagram 600 mln
Audience Instagram has exceeded 600 million users per month. For six months this figure rose to 100 million, reported in the blog service.
facebook promotion
At the beginning of 2017 Facebook plans to launch support for the live broadcasts in the format of 360°. About this reported the official blog of the company.
instagram saved
Instagram announced that now users will be able to save pictures and videos for later viewing. To do this, simply click on the icon in the tab view below the post.
facebook ranking videos
Facebook conducts negotiations with TV studios about licensing games and sports show, as well as scripts, ReCode writes.
facebook errors
Facebook continues to identify violations in their metrics. At the end of last week, the company announced that several indicators display incorrect data. In particular, we are talking about the number of reactions to Live broadcasts and user engagement in interactions with links to third-party resources.
linkedin microsoft
Social network LinkedIn in the coming months will make the decision on expediency of the further presence at the Russian market and a possible postponement for this data to the users in the country. About this report "Vedomosti", citing sources close to the leadership Linkedin.