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Google Weekly News and Trends

Google — Week 2, 2017

google https
A couple of months ago, Google decided to transfer the entire Internet to HTTPS, encouraging users of the Chrome browser to visit only HTTPS sites.
speech google
2012 precision technology Google's speech-recognition increased by 30%. About it said a leading software engineer Jeff Dean at the conference Frontiers of AI, which takes place in California.
google mobile change
19 January 2017 Google AdWords will start showing the phone numbers of the branches in the ads with addresses. It is reported by Search Engine Land, citing a letter sent to advertisers in the United States.
google hangouts api
When Google launched instant messengers Allo and Duo, it was said that Hangouts will remain a cross-platform chat for corporate users. And now is the time for changes that will help to follow the chosen course. Update the Google Hangouts FAQ reveals the service API, which will occur at the end of April this year. In fact, it means that any third-party application that is integrated with Google Hangouts, will stop working within a few months.
adsense ad code
In the coming weeks, all users of Google AdSense will be automatically transferred to the new interface. The old version of the User Interface will be disabled. About this reported the official blog of the service.
google cryptokeys
Reliable cryptography is the basis of the modern Internet. Without cryptography there is no a secure connection, you lose the possibility of making a reliable transaction online. We can't even trust the interlocutor if you do not have a secure connection.
google competitions
Yesterday, one of the webmasters via Twitter complained that the link operator returns incorrect data to Google. In response, the representative of search John Mueller advised not to use this operator. For whatever reason, he did not elaborate.
google alerts bug
Google Alerts users complain that the service stopped sending alerts. This subject is actively discussed on the forum a Google Web Search Help.
google titan
Holding Alhabet (parent Google company) has shut down the project Titan which was developing drones-satellites for Internet distribution in remote parts of the world. About it reports 9to5google.
adwords carousel
January 30 2017 starts the free online course Principles of advertising in Google AdWords from Google Partners Russia. The training will take place on the basis of the educational platform "Universarium".
interface google my business
Google has updated My Business API to version 3.2. Now developers will be able to get through the programming interface local statistics such as:
boycott google
Thirteen major foreign tech companies have registered in the Russian Federal tax service to pay a "Tax On Google". About this report Vedomosti with link to the statement of the representative of the FTS.
adwords ads
6 February Google AdWords will start automatically create call extensions for individual mobile ads. In their phone numbers will be used phone from the landing page.
google site search del
Google has become the most advanced display cards (rich cards) in the search results. This is evidenced by the data monitoring tool SERP RankRanger.
google pages down
From January 10, Google has started to lower positions in the organic results pages that use interstitial ads and pop-ups format. Below is everything you need to know about this change.
google test trending
English-speaking users have noticed that Google is testing showing the trending news in the search tips.
adwords lists share
Google AdWords launched a new feature for Manager accounts. Now in the general library account you can create, edit and delete lists of negative keywords for managed accounts.
google android shortcuts
Google has updated beta version of its Android application, adding shortcuts to frequently used functions on the home screen Google Now. They include widgets for weather, cafes nearby, solitaire game, calculator, upcoming events and more.