Google introduced a lightweight version of AMP
Google announced about the launch of the lightweight format of the mobile pages with rapid load – AMP Lite. It is designed for devices with low speed Internet connection.
Reducing the size of the page in the AMP Lite is achieved, among other things, due to the compression of the images and their data. The result of the article in this format is loaded faster than the standard AMP.
According to the company, AMP Lite reduces the size of the publication (in bytes) of 45%.
Currently Google shows page format AMP Lite for users in Vietnam, Malaysia and other countries with slow Internet connection and on devices with low RAM.
"These optimizations may change some of these images, but do not affect other parts of the page, including advertising", — noted in the company.
Technology AMP Lite is not yet part of the project open-source AMP. Perhaps in the future it will be available for publishers.
Recall that Google launched the project with open-source Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) in October 2015. The main goal of the initiative is to make mobile Internet more productive. The basis of the project is a fundamentally new format of open type AMP HTML. Use AMP now developers can now easily create lightweight versions of standard web pages.