In feed Odnoklassniki and VK appears video

110327 site views Group launches new ad format – video ads that will be broadcast in the news feeds of users of social networks VK and About this report "Vedomosti" with reference to the statement of Deputy CEO Group Dmitry Sergeev. According to forecasts of potential weekly coverage of commercials may not exceed 50 million Russian Internet users.

The system of "Video+" will give advertisers the ability to optimize the reach and frequency of promotional posts in news feeds: a new algorithm accounting of impressions recognizes the same user, not only on different devices, but in the different social networks. For example, if an advertiser will set up the system for a single screening of the movie, the man, looked him in Facebook on your smartphone, on the desktop and do not see. The exception of reruns will allow you to save some budgets and keep user loyalty.

The main advantage of the format videopost in the tape is the maximum friendliness towards the viewer-user: some disliked the video just prosquality", — says Dmitry Sergeev.
At the beginning of 2017. Group implements the ability to purchase video advertising through its own system myTarget, as well as through partners – this will enable advertisers to purchase it and other social networks. The first advertisers who will test the new format will be L'oreal and Danone.
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