LinkedIn thinks if it is profitable to stay in Russia

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Social network LinkedIn in the coming months will make the decision on expediency of the further presence at the Russian market and a possible postponement for this data to the users in the country. About this report "Vedomosti", citing sources close to the leadership Linkedin.

LinkedIn representatives explained that the company is difficult to localize its service for its originally a centralized architecture. At LinkedIn there is no separate database users from each country all integrated into a single system, so the localization is in fact is the creation of a separate hardware-software complex for a single country, effectively duplicating the functions of the core network. Audience of the service in Russia is relatively small – about 2.4 million users (source: TNS data for September) compared with 433 million worldwide. LinkedIn will think and decide if it is profitable to invest in data transfer for a job in a small market.

"This is a difficult situation for LinkedIn, the company does not understand how to act in this situation: the options are not to obey the law no social network is already found to have violated a local court. On the other hand, just to leave the country is difficult – look on LinkedIn other American companies, for example, they will assess the risks of working in Russia," — says the interlocutor of "Vedomosti".
According to him, the situation with LinkedIn is what the whole Internet industry warned when making amendments to the law on personal data. The wording of the law is too broad, and under the concept of personal data can get anything you want – for example, IP addresses, users, and even cookies in their browsers – this is what happened during the trial LinkedIn. It turns out that Russia may be blocked by any Internet service because data on which it operates, can be recognized as personal.

The LinkedIn only report that the company will continue to study the situation with the lockout in Russia and looks forward to the participation of Roscomnadzor. The representative of Roskomnadzor declined to discuss the details of the meeting with LinkedIn. Earlier, the representative of supervising Department Vadim Ampelonskiy said that the meeting "was constructive and will not be the last."

Recall, 17 November Roscomnadzor made in the register LinkedIn violators of the law on personal data according to the decision of the Tagansky district court on 4 August. According to the report traffic analysts Rambler & Co, the attendance of the LinkedIn social network in Russia after lock fell by 36%.

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