Google Weekly News and Trends
Google — Week 3, 2017

Analyst, Department of quality search Google Gary Illyes published a detailed post dedicated to crawl budget. In it he explained what is term meant, what factors affect to crawling budget, what is the scan speed and crawling demand.

January 20 2017, Google began sending notifications to sites via Search Console in which webmasters are required in the shortest possible time to transfer pages on secure protocol, otherwise they will be marked in the Chrome browser (version 56 or later) as unsafe.

Developer and former head of the team for anti-spam Google's Matt Cutts announced on his retirement from the company. According to the documents, his last working day was 31 December 2016.

Google warns sites about the problems that can appear after they launch a mobile-first index. Alerts will be sent out by Search Console. About it told the representative of the Google John Mueller during the last hangout for webmasters.

Google buys millions of ads in AdWords and shows their products in the top SERP for 91% of relevant keywords in the United States. About this is according to the research conducted by The Wall Street Journal.

Google AdSense announced about the launch of the new feature — the percentage of executed queries ad. It can help to reduce the number of displayed ads, eliminating less profitable and learn how it will affect revenues.

Google tries again to challenge the legality of the penalty for violation of the antitrust laws, filed an appeal with the Arbitration court of Moscow. The claim will be considered the 9th arbitration appeal court, he will appoint date of its consideration.

In the IV quarter of 2016 Google Play paid to app developers $3.3 billion – 82% more than last year. About it reported in the report Sensor Tower.

English-speaking users have noticed that Google is testing displaying YouTube videos in search results for images tab on mobile devices. They appear for keywords related to products: