Matt Cutts left Google
Developer and former head of the team for anti-spam Google's Matt Cutts announced on his retirement from the company. According to the documents, his last working day was 31 December 2016.
New job Cutts became a division of the U.S. Department of defense Defense Digital Service, in which he took the post of technical Director.
Working for the government doesn’t pay as well as a big company in Silicon Valley. We don’t get any free lunches. Many days are incredibly frustrating. All I can tell you is that the work is deeply important and inspiring, and you have a chance to work on things that genuinely make lives better. - said former googler.
Matt Cutts has worked at Google since 2000. In July 2014 he went to vacation which was until October. In November of the same year he decided to extend it until 2015. Temporarily not working, Cutts continued to monitor developments in the Internet company.
In June 2015 it became known that a key employee of Google has extended his leave until the end of the year. However, after this date no information about the Cutts return to Google followed.
In may 2015 Google has appointed a new head of the team for anti-spam. His name was not disclosed, but trade publications have reported that this man will not take all responsibilities of Matt Cutts.
In June 2016 Cutts announced about its decision to temporarily leave the Internet corporations to join the team of newly established unit of the Ministry of Defense – Defense Digital Service. It was assumed that work at the Pentagon will be on a temporary basis. However, it became permanent.