Google tries again to challenge the legality of a penalty from the FAS in Russia
Google tries again to challenge the legality of the penalty for violation of the antitrust laws, filed an appeal with the Arbitration court of Moscow. The claim will be considered the 9th arbitration appeal court, he will appoint date of its consideration.
Google tries again to challenge the legality of the penalty for violation of the antimonopoly legislation by filing an appeal with the Arbitration court of Moscow. The claim will be considered the 9th arbitration appeal court, he also will set date of its consideration.
Recall: 20 December 2016, the Ninth arbitration appeal court confirmed legitimacy of a fine in the amount of 438,1 million rubles, imposed on Google by The Federal Antimonopoly service (FAS). At the same court rejected the company Yandex in bringing the case as a third party. Joining is important to the company as it will allow her to:
Contribute to the correct reporting of facts and circumstances in this process
Fine in 438,1 million rubles were assigned to Google for abuse of dominant position on the market of mobile application stores on the Android operating system in Russia. This is 9% of turnover on the Russian market for the year 2014 plus inflation. Following a hearing on the fine is scheduled for January 17.