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Social Weekly News and Trends

Social — Week 52, 2016

trending person
Team VK.com thought, what people, events, and phenomena often discussed in the public records and reviews users VK.com in 2016. Person of the year:
vk messages
Users of social network VK has sent more than 3 thousand Russian Santa Claus in a week. As the press service of the social network, winter wizard before the new year decided to open the first session to give the opportunity to contact him directly.
vk hashtags
Social network VK published a list of prohibited types of advertising, for which there are penalties. The move is designed to rid the community from low-grade ads.
ok look alike
Social network OK.ru is testing paid send GIF images in private messages. OK.ru launching a new service "GIF-pictures in messages", which costs 30 units of domestic currency for one day use.
ok look alike
Team social network Odnoklassniki announced about the possibility of targeting campaigns to users with similar behavioral characteristics with the target audience. New functionality is implemented through the platform myTarget.
vk mobile devices
Team VK announced that advertising campaigns promoting records became available summary statistics for all ads.
ok look alike
Product Director online cinema ivi.ru Egor Danilov will leave the company for the transition to the OK.ru, reports VC.
ok live
OK the app is Live for Android users became available to the virtual mask in which you can appear live. Such an opportunity was not previously available for streaming in any social network on the Android platform.
facebook nearby
Facebook has updated the feature "nearby Friends", removing the ability to share exact location. Now it shows only the approximate distance from the user to friends who have activated this feature.
authors social networks
Olapic, the company shared the results of a global study, during which studied the impact of user-generated photos on the involvement and confidence of consumers to the brand.
twitter 360 live
Twitter announced the launch of a support live broadcasts in the format of 360 degree Periscope.
facebook disputed
European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker believes that the major social networks and IT companies such as Google and Facebook should actively combat misinformation on the Internet. About it reports Deutsche Welle with reference to the interview of an official of the media group Funke.