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Social Weekly News and Trends

Social — Week 5, 2017

Instagram allows users to post many photos or videos in one post, reports The Verge. Now the new feature is being tested in beta apps for Android.
facebook profit
Facebook published a report about the financial results for the fourth quarter of 2016 and the year as a whole.
zuckerberg trump
Former head of music partnerships YouTube and Google Play Tamara Hrivnyak took the post of Director of music licensing in Facebook. About it it is reported on his page in the social network.
viber platform
Viber messenger will be a platform through which consumers can communicate with businesses: reservations at restaurants or buy any goods. This was stated by the new head of service Djamel Agaoua.
facebook social media
Advertisers of Facebook Audience Network (FAN) got the opportunity to check the visibility of the advertisement by using third party services — ComScore or Integral Ad Science.
facebook monitoring
In Facebook, you can now authorize with dongle. About it reported in a company blog.
facebook search
Social network Facebook started to launch the new section Discover People, with which users will be able to meet new people.
zuckerberg trump
The founder of Facebook Mark Zuckerberg has acted with criticism of the decree of the President of the United States Donald Trump about refugees. The statement he published on his page in the social network.
pinterest search ads
Pinterest announced about the launch of search ads. It's a new product called Search Ads. It includes two types of campaigns: Keyword campaigns and retail Shopping campaigns.
facebook social
Facebook develop an app for set-top boxes, including Apple TV. About it reports The Wall Street Journal, citing their sources.
social networks yourself
24% of Internet users in the world use social networks to present yourself, life, children and friends. Among Russians the figure is even higher — 39%. This is evidenced by the results of a research conducted by Kaspersky Lab. The research showed that for achieving the goal (the desired number of likes or comments) some users willing to take the actions, as controversial from the point of view and ethics, (especially men).
whatsapp germany
The Federal Association of consumer protection of Germany filed a lawsuit to WhatsApp. The company is accused of illegal transfer of Facebook user data, reports Bloomberg.
facebook updated
Facebook updated the news feed algorithm by adding new signals. Now the ranking will take into account the relevance and authenticity of publications. This innovation is another step in the fight against fake news.
usa restrictions
In the White House discussed the possibility to request entering the country persons information about all sites and social networks they visit. About it reports CNN with reference to its sources in the presidential administration of the United States of America.