
Google removed the module "in the news" from the search results on the desktop. block "Breaking News" is now displayed instead. Change launched on a global scale.

Facebook launched a new tool through which you can create frames for photos and videos to social networks. It is available to everyone on the link.

Google AdWords announced that advertisers will now be able to add a remarketing audience to the campaign level. Innovation is running in all accounts.

Microsoft closed the deal to acquire the social network LinkedIn. About it declared the head of the Corporation Sathya Nadella.

Case of violation by Google of the law on protection of competition translates in a legal plane. About it reports "Kommersant", citing a statement by the head of the Federal Antimonopoly service (FAS) of Russia Igor Artemyev.

In order to be unlocked by Roskomnadzor, the social network LinkedIn must locate all personal data of Russian citizens on the territory of the Russian Federation within 6-8 months.About it reports RNS, citing a statement by the head of the Supervisory Department Alexander Zharova.

For ICQ users in applications for the iPhone and iPad have the opportunity to handle your photos and videos with the help of neural networks. The photo or video you can send to social networks, any chats or ICQ to share it in the section "History".

Number of writing by Russian authors for November 2016 amounted to 35 million during this period they were generated 698 million messages. To such conclusion experts of the Brand Analytics, conducted another study active audience of social networks in Russia in November 2016. The study included data on social networks VK, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, My space and LiveJournal.

Social network for the year significantly increased the rate of video viewing, reaching 350 million views per day. As reported in the official blog company, main the first social network in Russia by the number of video views, average duration of video viewing per user and the total time of viewing.