Search Marketing news

Google AdSense announced that block ads of certain categories and subcategories became available to all publishers. Now they can better control which ads appear on their sites.

To build a mass marketing in the era when everyone communicates with the world through their own access point - is a mistake which can cause a number of negative consequences

Advertisers of Facebook Audience Network (FAN) got the opportunity to check the visibility of the advertisement by using third party services — ComScore or Integral Ad Science.

Google AdWords has announced about adding support for logical operator IF. The innovation will allow advertisers to personalize their ads.

Google AdWords expands testing of the new interface. In the coming months, access to the alpha version of the UI will get even more advertisers. About it said the Vice-President of AdWords products, Jerry Disler (Jerry Dischler).

In December 2016, expenses of advertisers for attracting new users to mobile games and apps has decreased. It is stated in the report Fiksu.

April 12 will host its Fourth Annual conference about Internet advertising and CPA in St. Petersburg – CPA Life 2017!

English-speaking users have noticed about two new test Google AdWords that relate to product listing ads (PLA) and advertising in the local search engine results page.

Users of Google AdSense have noticed that the reports in the service work uncorrectly. The problem started yesterday. Some users all the data in the reports were slashed to zero, in others, they clearly underestimated.