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Google Weekly News and Trends

Google — Week 52, 2016

google markup
Google has updated the documentation on the creation of extended snippets for pages of the articles. It now clearly describes the difference between markup for normal pages and AMP.
google recipes
English-speaking users have noticed that Google launched a new design for recipes in the results.
google employees
Google has banned its non-key employees American to come to Russia without special permission of the legal Department of the company. About it reports the edition Firrma, in possession of a letter from chief Google Evangelist Jamie Kashyapa sent them to the Russian organizers of one of the IT events.
google duplicate
Google has fixed a bug in the system which caused the wrong display of the date of publication of content in many search results.
google related searches
English-speaking users have noticed that Google is testing a new interface for mobile search results.
search console http
Google began to notify through Search Console the owners of those sites who have the authorization located on the HTTP pages. The report said that the collection of passwords over an insecure connection will cause warnings for your website in Chrome, 56.
google fake
Google is working on improving the algorithm, which operates block "breaking news" in search results. The company's goal is to promote higher quality news sources, and eliminating the fake news.
google linking out
Recently, Google representative John Mueller reminded that the search engine does not punish websites for lack of links to other resources.
google mobile speed
The launch of mobile-first index suggests that Google will take into account the download speed of mobile pages in the ranking. About this said the representative of the search John Mueller during the last hangout for webmasters.
google cdn safe
The content delivery network (CDN) safe and their use should not negatively affect the ranking of a website in Google. About it told the representative of the search John Mueller during the last hangout for webmasters.
boycott google
Foreign companies selling software and services via the Internet, began to warn the Russian users about the price increase, which is caused by the entry into force of the "tax on Google". As reports "Kommersant" about the higher prices for digital content on 18-20% already announced by Google, Nintendo and Amazon, but their list is not limited.
google india application
Google called the inhabitants of India are the most interested in mobile application development. Over the past two years, the number of search queries on training courses of this subject in the country grew by 200%. About it reports Mashable, citing a press release of the company.