Google may mark the slow pages are not mobile-friendly
In April, Google began to notify webmasters that their pages are not mobile-friendly, right in the search results. In this case, the snippet is added the message "Your page is not mobile-friendly". The notice sees only the owner of the website.
Recently many webmasters have noticed that Google started to show warnings for pages that are actually optimized for mobile devices.
Below is a screenshot of the alert:
The test result page in a Mobile-Friendly Test:
The question on this topic was raised during the last call for webmasters. A Google spokesperson John Mueller responded to it in this way:
"There is one aspect that can play a role in this issue [defining the page as mobile-friendly]. Is the download speed. If the website from a technical point of view is optimized for mobile devices, but has low rates PageSpeed, we can regard these pages as not useful for mobile users."It seems that this is showing alert "Your page is not mobile-friendly" pages: