Twitter news

Twitter has revealed a bug in the Android app, which led to overreporting of impressions of advertisements among users of this platform.

Technical Director Twitter Adam Messinger, Vice-President for product Josh McFarland announced his decision to leave the company.

On December 19 in Turkey has restricted access to Facebook, Twitter and YouTube after the murder of the Russian Ambassador Andrei Karlov. About it reports The Daily Dot, citing the organization Turkey Blocks, which monitors the situation.

Users have noticed that Twitter is testing notifications about important news. The latest of these was the incident at the fair in Berlin. Last month the company the same way inform the user about the death of Fidel Castro.

Twitter announced that now the search results in the service will be ranked by relevance, not time of publication.

Twitter more than a year working on creating its own messenger, but eventually abandoned the idea and closed the project. About it reports Buzzfeed.

Twitter announced about the complete integration service for online broadcasts Periscope, which will give users the ability to create and tweet online videos directly through the Twitter app for mobile platforms.

Twitter announced the impending disconnection of the advertising format Lead Generation Cardused to collect the contact information of the users.