Social news

In the web version of VK function mention individual users in group chats. About it it is reported on the page of Live Express.

The world's largest IT companies, including Facebook, YouTube (Google), Twitter and Microsoft, announced the creation of a common database, which aims to help in the fight against the spread of "terrorist content" on the Network. About it reports The Wall Street Journal.

The European Commission has called on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and Microsoft faster to take action against the incitement of hatred in their services, reports Reuters.

Pinterest presented a new design of the business pages. The main innovation was the addition of so-called "showcase". This is a new interactive unit, which can include up to five elements – boards or pins you can buy.

For according to a new report, Borrell Associates, 78% of companies local business in the United States there is a page in Facebook, and 62% of them buy ads on the social network.

16 Dec will disable public API for working with audio. As reported in the official sources, the upcoming changes will not affect audioreader in the web version of the site and trusted applications, but third-party apps will not be able to access most of the methods section audio.

Social network VK is going to propose to the administrators of the communities instead of direct placements of ads the opportunity to get a share of the profits of the VK for the placement of entries in the news feed. About this in his speech at IGCONF announced development Director at VK Alexander Kruglov.