Social news

Advisor to the President of the Russian Federation on issues of development of the Internet German Klimenko believes that the lawsuit is a resident of St. Petersburg with request to block work in Russia social network Facebook is purely the nature of self-promotion. About it reports the edition TASS.

Facebook launched a platform Instant Games, which allows you to run HTML5 games in the Messenger app and the web version of the social network of their installation. About it reported in a company blog for developers.

Twitter announced about the launch of two new features in mobile applications of service: the rating of the correspondence and counter direct answers.

In the new version of ICQ for Windows had three-dimensional masks for calls, search messages and customize livotov.

VK began testing on their users the audio. About it reports the with reference to the statement of the representative of the social network of Eugene Krasnikov. appeared tool for the sale of goods and services across the group. To sell a product, placing an ad in the form of a post in the open community.

Facebook has developed a tool for mass censorship of the news. About it reports The New York Times, citing current and former employees of the company.

In Russia appeared the analogue of the LinkedIn service called Link You. It was launched about a month ago, Russian entrepreneur Igor Malikoy.

Yesterday, November 22, many users of social network Vkontakte said change of shape design creating a new message in Dialogs. Gone visible blue button, and the line with smiles. Instead, more visible made the microphone icon, the mobile client, and to send the message, click on traditional for many messengers stylized "airplane".