
The cost of the call with contextual advertising in real estate grew by 20% in six months. To such conclusion experts of the analytical service Calltouch, conducted a study of advertising campaigns developers in the Central region of Russia. So, in the first quarter of the cost of customer acquisition (lead) with contextual advertising was 4-4,5 thousand rubles, and in the third quarter it amounted to 5-6 thousand rubles.

In "Black Friday" mobile devices provided by American retailers 55% of the traffic and 36% of revenue. About it reported in the report Adobe.

In the new version of ICQ for Windows had three-dimensional masks for calls, search messages and customize livotov.

VK began testing on their users the audio. About it reports the with reference to the statement of the representative of the social network of Eugene Krasnikov.

In the direct interface added the ability to copy and edit ad groups, and create new campaigns based on current. appeared tool for the sale of goods and services across the group. To sell a product, placing an ad in the form of a post in the open community.

Facebook has developed a tool for mass censorship of the news. About it reports The New York Times, citing current and former employees of the company.

In 2016 the main objectives for specialists in search engine optimization in the United States was generating traffic and improving positions in SERP. About this is evidenced by the results of research Ascend2.