
Google announced that My business became available statistics on the photos. Now users will be able to know how often people are viewing pictures of the company compared to photos of similar firms.

Social network VK has launched a service "Products" where all users can publish their ads. About it reports the, with reference to the representatives of the social network. Go to the service user from the left menu, where the appropriate tab:

15 Dec foreign webmasters noticed signs of a possible update of the search algorithm of Google. About this is evidenced by their posts on WebmasterWorld forum.

Facebook is launching a number of innovations that are designed to help the company to cope with the spread of fake news on the social network.

Audience Instagram has exceeded 600 million users per month. For six months this figure rose to 100 million, reported in the blog service.

Twitter more than a year working on creating its own messenger, but eventually abandoned the idea and closed the project. About it reports Buzzfeed.

English-speaking users have noticed that the AMP-page appeared in Google search results based on pictures.

Google agreed to make changes to the system scan emails in Gmail to avoid the trial of the case on violation of confidentiality.

Instagram announced that now users will be able to save pictures and videos for later viewing. To do this, simply click on the icon in the tab view below the post.