
Google co-founder and CEO of the Alphabet Larry Page have topped the ranking of the most influential executives in the world according to Forbes.

Facebook conducts negotiations with TV studios about licensing games and sports show, as well as scripts, ReCode writes.

Google AdWords announced about upcoming changes in display and video advertising. Starting in January 2017, the ad group level which do not have settings, will by default appear in the CCM.

Google added support for markup to product pages on the mobile version of the search at the pictures.

Twitter announced about the complete integration service for online broadcasts Periscope, which will give users the ability to create and tweet online videos directly through the Twitter app for mobile platforms.

Google launched a new service "Reserve with Google" through which users will be able to enroll in fitness classes, yoga or gym.

Mobile Internet is one of the main drivers of the development of the digital economy – the mobile Internet is 25% of the economy of Runet, or 0.6% of Russia's GDP. This became known today during the annual conference of Association and industry partners, devoted to summing up the expiring year and forecasting the development of Runet in the next year – Runet 2016: the End of the year. This digital economy of Russia.

At a press conference in San Francisco Google announced on the allocation of a project to develop unmanned vehicles into a separate company.

Google summed up the year and find out what events and topics attracted most interest from the users of search in Russia and other countries of the world.