Google My business has become available statistics photos
Google announced that My business became available statistics on the photos. Now users will be able to know how often people are viewing pictures of the company compared to photos of similar firms.
In the new Photos shows the total number of snapshots associated with the company, and indicated the frequency of their viewing. From the graph "Views of photos," you can see how many times Google users looked at the pictures and on the chart "Number of photos" shows how many photos were uploaded.
Data can be viewed for the last 7, 30 or 90 days. If you hover on a particular date on the chart, it will show statistics for that day.
If there are similar institutions, the data from other companies will not be displayed.
Just on the statistics page there are 6 sections:
- how users find company information;
- what Google users find information about the company;
- user actions;
- requests directions;
- phone calls;
- photos.