
Google closes the service test contactless payments Hands Free. This was reported on the website of the project.

The English-language industry experts noticed that Google is testing a new block on the local panel of knowledge networks in SERP. Users of the service My business can place in the block information about discounts and promotions.

Instagram allows users to post many photos or videos in one post, reports The Verge. Now the new feature is being tested in beta apps for Android.

Pinterest announced about the launch of search ads. It's a new product called Search Ads. It includes two types of campaigns: Keyword campaigns and retail Shopping campaigns.

24% of Internet users in the world use social networks to present yourself, life, children and friends. Among Russians the figure is even higher — 39%. This is evidenced by the results of a research conducted by Kaspersky Lab. The research showed that for achieving the goal (the desired number of likes or comments) some users willing to take the actions, as controversial from the point of view and ethics, (especially men).

Last week Google Adwords started testing adding text ads to the accounts of the advertisers. The pilot program is called Added by AdWords. It started on January 26.

Google updated the structured data testing tool. Google adding to tool previews. Now webmasters will be able to immediately see how the template will look like in search results.

Facebook published a report about the financial results for the fourth quarter of 2016 and the year as a whole.

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