Mobile SEO news

In December 2016, expenses of advertisers for attracting new users to mobile games and apps has decreased. It is stated in the report Fiksu.

Over the last few days the number of AMP-results in mobile Google News has increased more than two times. About it state the data report by RankRanger.

The employee of the Department of quality search Google John Mueller responded to two questions regarding the AMP.

Agency Stone Temple Consulting shared the results of a research about the behavior of users in voice search. The survey polled more than 900 smartphone users in the United States.

Google announced about the launch of the lightweight format of the mobile pages with rapid load – AMP Lite. It is designed for devices with low speed Internet connection.

Analytics company Nielsen has published the top 10 most popular apps in 2016 in the United States. Most of the items in this list (8 of 10) took Google and Facebook.

55 cents of every dollar spent on mobile advertising in the U.S. is wasted. About this is evidenced by the results of the study Celtra, commissioned by Forrester.

Mobile Internet is one of the main drivers of the development of the digital economy – the mobile Internet is 25% of the economy of Runet, or 0.6% of Russia's GDP. This became known today during the annual conference of Association and industry partners, devoted to summing up the expiring year and forecasting the development of Runet in the next year – Runet 2016: the End of the year. This digital economy of Russia.