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Wix Weekly News and Trends

Wix — Week 2, 2017

set robots txt
From the beginning I made some mistakes in the indexing of SEO Hero site, but corrected.
seo hero cloud
SEO Hero website is on a VPS on SSD. SSD — optimal solution for the site.
seo hero serp
Just a couple of days ago, I made a serious error in the technical optimization SEO Hero site in robots.txt.
seo hero cert
SEO Hero use SSL issued by GlobalSign. I don't recommend to use certificates from Let's encript and Cloud Flare because in this case one certificate is a lots of sites.
meta description
In the text of the meta description - its main CTR.
seo hero twitter
SEO Hero connect Twitter!
seo hero in facebook
In the Internet segment of U.S. and Europe the most popular social networks among search optimizers are:
links directories
Recently, I began to notice that many of the competitors put links from directories.
mirror seo hero
Hello, heroes!