SEO Hero in Facebook
In the Internet segment of U.S. and Europe the most popular social networks among search optimizers are:
- Facebook;
- Twitter;
- Linkedin.
SEO Hero is represented in Facebook and Twitter.
Facebook —
Twitter —
Next step hard.
However, I decided to strictly adhere to the recommendation and follow the white ways of promotion. This
option is the most complex and difficult terms of work. However, I prefer not to rest but to work.
The other day I realized the integration site SEO Hero with Facebook API.
- I made a huge list of work:
- I created reviewed documentation Facebook API;
- Created an app through Facebook Developers;
- Wrote code to integrate Facebook and website SEO Hero by the programming language Java;
- Using the two formats of link and message I have created a format for the user-friendly publication. When you publish a post on the social network Facebook in the tag is written the name of the category (for example, Google or SEO).

Facebook -

Not user-friendly example. Among the participants of the contest SEO Hero you can find different behavior.