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google news russia
Roskomnadzor will give three month of the new year to the foreign companies that own news aggregators, on registration of Russian legal entities. In particular, this applies to Google, which to comply with new Russian laws have to change the form of presence in the Russian market. Otherwise, Supervisory authorities will be grounds for blocking news site Google in Russia. About this report "Izvestia" with reference to the statement of the official representative of supervising Department Vadim Ampelonskiy.
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Pinterest presented a new design of the business pages. The main innovation was the addition of so-called "showcase". This is a new interactive unit, which can include up to five elements – boards or pins you can buy.
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For according to a new report, Borrell Associates, 78% of companies local business in the United States there is a page in Facebook, and 62% of them buy ads on the social network.
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16 Dec www.vk.com will disable public API for working with audio. As reported in the official sources, the upcoming changes will not affect audioreader in the web version of the site and trusted applications, but third-party apps will not be able to access most of the methods section audio.
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A Google spokesperson John Mueller confirmed that the noindex meta tag does not help to save crawling budget website. The same thing, for the most part, fair to and in respect of rel=canonical.
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Social network VK is going to propose to the administrators of the communities instead of direct placements of ads the opportunity to get a share of the profits of the VK for the placement of entries in the news feed. About this in his speech at IGCONF announced development Director at VK Alexander Kruglov.
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Twitter bought a startup to Yes, who was involved in the development of mobile applications. About it reports ReCode.
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Users have noticed that Google AdWords is working to empower native ads. So, for some accounts, you now want to add the image in two formats – portrait (of 1.91:1) and square (1:1).
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Users of Runet began poluchatsya from Google that the company will include the value added tax (VAT) in accounts payable. About this report "Vedomosti", with reference to one of these letters, which refers to the inclusion of VAT in the account for the service usage file storage Google Drive.
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Google AdWords made it easier to control Customer Match. Now advertisers will be able to add and remove email addresses from existing lists by downloading data file. Also it will be possible to completely replace the current list in the file without creating a new list.