Roskomnadzor gave Google three months on the registration of legal entities in Russia
Roskomnadzor will give three month of the new year to the foreign companies that own news aggregators, on registration of Russian legal entities. In particular, this applies to Google, which to comply with new Russian laws have to change the form of presence in the Russian market. Otherwise, Supervisory authorities will be grounds for blocking news site Google in Russia. About this report "Izvestia" with reference to the statement of the official representative of supervising Department Vadim Ampelonskiy.
Today in Russia there are only two major news aggregator from foreign companies — Google News and Bing. Google has Russian legal entity OOO "Google", but its main scope of activity — advertising, in addition, in their responses to state agencies, Google Inc has said repeatedly that in Russia she has no formal, full-fledged representative. also belongs to Microsoft, which in Russia is the company "Microsoft Rus", the main activities of which are "software development and consultation in this field", "working towards the creation and use of databases and information resources including the resources of the Internet".
According to the head of the legal Department of the coordination center of national Internet domain Sergey Kopylov, to meet the requirements of the law on news aggregators for can approach the company "Microsoft Rus" and that Google will either have to amend the registration data of the Google or create a new company.
"Legal entity must comply with the requirements of the law. Promotional activity is not suitable for the activities of a news aggregator," — said Sergey Kopylov.Recall from 1 January 2017 shall enter into force the law on restrictions on news aggregators. Services, whose audience is over 1 million people a day will be required to verify the accuracy of information at a reprint of materials of publications do not have the registration of mass media, and also store the published data for six months. In addition, aggregators must have their own legal entities in Russia, all these sites will be entered in a special register of Roskomnadzor.