
I want to share with you a bug that I have decided, however, the problem is an interesting. The problem was discovered through a special tool site analysis. Bug was in robots.txt.

Typically, a main site analysis tool is tool by the number one search engine in world - Google. Tool - Google Webmaster Toosl. But, besides the basic tools to properly use a third-party-effective solutions. For example, I use Bing Webmaster Tools. After registering on the site displayed a message with general information.

In December 2016, expenses of advertisers for attracting new users to mobile games and apps has decreased. It is stated in the report Fiksu.

April 12 will host its Fourth Annual conference about Internet advertising and CPA in St. Petersburg – CPA Life 2017!

I launched the site is relatively recent but now I have a very good record in attendance. It is interesting that the main audience of the site is just the same as the desired audience, attracted by the promotion of a site in the Google search engine. The site is well ranked in different regions. However, the most interesting for me the audience is in the United States of America.

Social network VK has filed a lawsuit against OOO "Dabl" (brand Double Data) and the National Bureau of Credit Histories (NBCH) with the requirement to stop to use open data of its users to assess their creditworthiness and to prohibit the sale of these data. About it reports Kommersant" with reference to the text of the statement of claim.

The Federal Association of consumer protection of Germany filed a lawsuit to WhatsApp. The company is accused of illegal transfer of Facebook user data, reports Bloomberg.

Over the last few days the number of AMP-results in mobile Google News has increased more than two times. About it state the data report by RankRanger.

The arbitration court of the Moscow district has postponed consideration of the appeal of Google. The information about the dispute with the Federal Antimonopoly Service (FAS) for February 28. About this report Vedomosti with reference to the statement of the representative of the FAS. The decision was taken today at the meeting following consideration of appeal Google.