In Facebook, you can now authorize with dongle. About it reported in a company blog.
For the site I use image which find me on the special sites. I'm trying to use the legal picture. Of course a lot better if you have the designers, however, it is quite expensive. In main image only need for attract attention. No effects on search engine optimization does not have image.
In the White House discussed the possibility to request entering the country persons information about all sites and social networks they visit. About it reports CNN with reference to its sources in the presidential administration of the United States of America.
The founder of Facebook Mark Zuckerberg has acted with criticism of the decree of the President of the United States Donald Trump about refugees. The statement he published on his page in the social network.
Google has caused its employees who are outside the United States, to return to the country as soon as possible because of the decree of the President of Donald trump on the limitation of immigration. As reported reported by the Wall Street Journal , due to the presidential decree, may suffer no less than 187 employees of Google.
English-speaking users have noticed about two new test Google AdWords that relate to product listing ads (PLA) and advertising in the local search engine results page.
Currently Google is trying to run all the algorithms on a global scale. About this stated the company's employee Gary Illyes on Twitter.
In the OK Live app for iOS for users became available the virtual mask which you use in live. Such an opportunity was not previously available for streaming in any social network on the iOS platform.
Google has added new features in the mobile version of its Google Docs for Android operating systems and iOS.
I have carefully studied the recommendations on the search for the compilation of the correct structure of the system: