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SEO terms and definitions — L list


Lead — this is the action in internet marketing, which bind the chain of the advertiser client, to increase consumer demand. An advertiser places ads on the network in two formats:

  • Lead format CPL (Cost per lead) — when a potential client fills the registration form of the advertiser on their own;
  • Lead format CPA (Cost per action) — in the case where the client executes a specific action — to buy, places an order, enters the customer's store.

Examples of usage Leads:

  • Filling out the form on the mailing list;
  • Completing the questionnaire;
  • Registration on the website of the advertiser;
  • Filling the order form;
  • Filling out a lottery ticket.
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Lesting level

The nesting level is determined by the distance of the page from the main website. The path is measured by the number of clicks that makes the visitor to navigate to the desired section.

Home — always the first level of nesting. Any pages that have a direct redirect from the main automatically be on the second level. Two transition – the third level of nesting.


The nesting level determines the speed of indexing pages, also the whole resource. Small playgrounds with more than two levels are considered to be unoptimized. For large resources, the scope expanded, they are allowed to have up to three levels.

Planning to use a resource to embed links, you may want to investigate the website and to remove excess levels of nesting. Better to spend money to change the structure than to lose earnings. The price of transition from the pages of level 2 or 3 is twice lower than the similar but first.

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LF indicates low-frequency keyword phrases that are a low frequency queried in the search engines.

In different thematics LF keywords have different numbers.

The low-frequency queries are vert effectively, if their sum the number of user requests for these keywords will be a lot more than all the high-frequency or mid-frequency. Therefore, very effective to optimize a website for LF assembling for maximum traffic.

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Link - a link on the website which is more correctly called a hyperlink. Any reference in the HTML document has an opening and closing tag, as well as a number of attributes, each of which has its own purpose.

<a href="http://seoheronews.com/seo-glossary target="_blank" rel="nofollow" title="SEO Gloassary">SEO Glossary</a>

Some important parameters of the link:

  •  Link address (URL). Is specified in the href attribute. 
  •  Anchor. An anchor is the text located between the opening and closing tag a. 
  • Title. The title attribute 
  • rel=nofollow. prohibits the transfer of weight through the link. 

The links are divided into external, which refer to external resources and internal referencing to other pages within the same domain or subdomain.

Links distribute quality defined by the number of transferred weight. The quality of links is influenced by the location link in the document, the attribute rel=nofollow for Google.

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Link Baiting

Linkbaiting is content writing on the website to force receive different kinds of links to your site. Well-known marketer Matt Cutts gave a definition that linkbaiting can be called all that is interesting and will attract more audience to the website. Recently, this marketing method is gaining momentum and is becoming a popular and powerful form among marketers. The content of linkbaiting can log all that it can to attract the attention of users: graphical slides, colorful images and video, and various audio.

Types of linkbaiting

There are many different types. The main and most influential ones are:

  • Information bait (this could include the information that the user will be hard to find on other website. For example, advice that is rarely where you will meet, or important information);
  • News bait on the website (it is updated information, which will be interesting);
  • Evil bait (this technique involves the information that would be disgusting, but it definitely can attract people's attention and therefore, this method is less effective);
  • Humorous bait (placing the content in any of the cartoons or funny stories that will attract attention);
  • Unique content (it is an interesting and probably the biggest for the dissemination of the bait. This method is for those users who will need unique content, or for those who want to earn through AdSense. If you write completely unique content then you will be able to offer it to bloggers who are happy to place it);
  • Bait widget (method lies in the fact that you are creating a tool that wants to post on other sites);
  • Infographic method (in the method include text links with the use of graphics that attract attention).

Elements for linkbaiting

  • Header — this includes all work on the development and creation of a unique header that can interest the user and to gain attention.
  • Information — all the information that you are getting ready to host should be interesting and definitely unique, which cannot be found on other sites;
  • Design— on this item, you need as much work. The first thing that users see when they come to your website is its design. It must be comfortable and private for website. He in any case should not be similar to the design of another site.
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Link bomb

Link bomb – results of links, not corresponding to the requested description. Pretty funny to have link bomb for someone who is trying to trick or make fun of a person, company or brand, but it is unpleasant and, at times, humiliating for one over another joke.

The exact date of occurrence of the term is unknown, but most sources refer to the year 2000. The first cases of this kind of spam was seen then.

The goals:

  • Commercial fraud (to stick it to a competitor).
  • Associated with political views.
  • Associated with personal dislike (laughs).
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In the process of promoting and optimizing websites used by a large number of methods to achieve the desired result. One of these methods is link building. Link building (eng. link – link building – construction) is the creation of external references that are used for website promotion.

Optimizers that use advanced methods of promoting websites, do not consider the acquisition of link building external links to exchanges. The main difference between these two types is in the algorithm achieve the result. Quick link building will significantly reduce the time, but the quality of this method often leaves much to be desired. 

Link building strategy

The essence of website promotion is its getting on the first page of search engines. SEOs consider link building an integral part of this process. There are several varieties of successful link building which means getting links from the following sources:

Trust sites, subject to confirmation by the/an Active interaction with such sites will accelerate the pace of promotion.

Forums and social networks allow you to post any external links which are available for viewing to millions of users.

White article directories also allow you to post external links. The main snag of this method of promotion is to continuously update white catalogs. Such directories represent one of the most reliable tools of link building.

It should be noted that a positive outcome is possible with the optimal combination of methods of link building. The basic theoretical principles should be underpinned by a creative approach to website promotion.

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Link Building

Link building is a term meaning the process of placing backlinks for a website. 

By link building term understood the links purchase and development of various strategies.

The goal of link building is to get trust backlinks from a sites, it is desirable from that which has not yet been set earlier. The search of such methods requires creative thinking, perseverance and some additional skills.

You can select multiple frequently used in recent times methods:

  • Sponsorship of free templates; 
  • Creating infographics; 
  • Donations to the developers of the scripts; 
  • Using the yellow pages; 
  • Guest article; 
  • Development free tools; 
  • Search partner sites for links.

Quality link building works in the long term, and the costs of this process are the investment.

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Linking – organization of the link graph between documents or websites to implement navigation, Link Juice or weight transfer, increase the involvement of the visitor and for other goals.

There are many linking schemes, mainly aimed to redistribute or concentrate the link juice to certain pages of the site.

The basic techniques used to linking pages:

  • Global navigation menu; 
  • Bread crumbs; 
  • Tag cloud; 
  • Context links; 
  • Recommendation blocks; 
  • Cataloging of documents.

Smart linking relies not only on the PageRank model in its implementation, but also to other existing models of information search, including it must be consistent with the site semantic core.

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Link Juice

Link Juice is the weight transmitted by the link-page to site acceptor. Link juice is one of the factors of ranking in any search engine. Due to the presence of this factor and there is such a profession as SEO specialist or an optimizer.

Also Link Juice called Link Weight. Link Juice consider the model when the juice flows from one vessel (site) to many others, depending on the number and location of links on the page.

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If in response to some event, the program adds entries to a file, typically identifying the event and its source, then this file is called a log file. Possible sources of events:

  • The result of certain user actions;
  • Interrupts coming into the program from the equipment;
  • Events generated by programs (e.g., obtained in result of calculations);
  • Events caused by software errors (called exceptions);
  • Events from the operating system or other programs and events having any other source.

In short, we are talking about the state changes in the running and the running program. The simplest version of the log file is a plain text file with records in rows. All information in the log files is recorded in a certain format allowing in the subsequent to understand the causes of events.

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Long Read

This is the page with lots of content (mainly text) and long scrolling.

Usually read the long used in a negative connotation, pointing to the lack of usability and unreadable page. Long read perceived psychologically difficult, as the text often is not formatted according to the rules.

On the pages with the text for every thousand characters in the text you need to place one image.

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Long Tail

Long Tail keywords is a search requests with low demand. Long Tail keywords consist of several words or phrases. Basically, these queries are selected according to the principle: one page – one request. Long Tail keywords can bring the site up to 1,000 users per month.

The value of Long Tail keywords for SEO

In the matter of website promotion, Long Tail keywords have a quite noticeable effect. What is the advantage of using them over the midrange and high-frequency keywords:

  • Competition. Compared to midrange and high-frequency queries, the bass is not very competitive, and promote the site in such words is not difficult;
  • Easy. The output of the page in the TOP search engines, in many cases, you can make a simple website optimization. In the case of high competition enough there's a couple of links to other resources;
  • Effect. Low-frequency queries attract an extremely targeted audience of users and potential customers. Sometimes, the number of visitors accessing the website on such requests is much greater than the number of transitions to high-demand. The queries provide a significant increase in attendance;
  • Cost. Every optimizer knows that site promotion is not a cheap pleasure. Promote low-frequency queries allows to reduce the costs to a minimum.

A small budget for promotion enables companies to get on the first page of search results.

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Latent semantic indexing (LSI) is an algorithm search engines to analyze the web pages that takes into account not only key words/phrases on the page, but the presence of their synonyms, and words that are related thematically request. The algorithm is intended to in the top of issuance was the most relevant documents.

LSI is a special case of the latent semantic analysis (latent semantic analysis, LSA) in relation to the search engines. M can also be used in areas that require automated processing of a large number of documents:

  • Classification;
  • Indexing;
  • Search.

The algorithm determines the semantic structure of the text and finds the implicit, latent connections between document elements. To do this, using a database of terms, semantically related words of the search query. Therefore, the system returns documents not only the exact occurrence of the query, but similar in meaning.

Thanks to the LSI algorithm, search engines have learned to recognize typographical errors, to distinguish between synonyms and homonyms, neologisms. 

When analyzing new text LSI is a robot compares it with the existing base of trust sites on the subject, takes into account the number of thematic words and synonyms, determines the semantic core of the page. Take into account the number of failures, close the page immediately after loading — the article should interest the reader. On this basis, the robot decides how to define the text in the results.

Thus, dropping out SEO content, stuffed with keys, but does not contain useful information, as well as texts from non-gambling f. As a result, the user receives a really useful article on the subject, not just SEO text for website promotion.

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SEO dictionary search terms and definitions list glossary
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