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Lesting level term explained

The nesting level is determined by the distance of the page from the main website. The path is measured by the number of clicks that makes the visitor to navigate to the desired section.

Home — always the first level of nesting. Any pages that have a direct redirect from the main automatically be on the second level. Two transition – the third level of nesting.


The nesting level determines the speed of indexing pages, also the whole resource. Small playgrounds with more than two levels are considered to be unoptimized. For large resources, the scope expanded, they are allowed to have up to three levels.

Planning to use a resource to embed links, you may want to investigate the website and to remove excess levels of nesting. Better to spend money to change the structure than to lose earnings. The price of transition from the pages of level 2 or 3 is twice lower than the similar but first.

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