Social news

Social network VK app launches Live which will allow users and administrators to communities to conduct video broadcasts in real time. Videos will be displayed either on the page (the wall), or in the community, if the stream will be provided by the administrator. About this report "Izvestia" with reference to the statement of the official representative of VK Eugene Krasnikov. The application in the very near future will be available on the iOS platform, and later will appear in the app store Google Play.

Team VK announced about the launch of the new application for communities – Jobs. It can be used to search for employees without leaving the social network. It broadens the base of possible candidates, because not all are special sites for job search, and often does reside in a passive search of a new place.

In the European Union can adopt legislation aimed at the fight with fake news in social networks. This initiative was made by the President of the European Parliament Martin Schulz, reports Deutsche Welle.

Facebook found a new error in their measurements. This time we are talking about viewing the "instant articles".

Social network VK has launched a service "Products" where all users can publish their ads. About it reports the, with reference to the representatives of the social network. Go to the service user from the left menu, where the appropriate tab:

Facebook is launching a number of innovations that are designed to help the company to cope with the spread of fake news on the social network.

Audience Instagram has exceeded 600 million users per month. For six months this figure rose to 100 million, reported in the blog service.

Twitter more than a year working on creating its own messenger, but eventually abandoned the idea and closed the project. About it reports Buzzfeed.

Instagram announced that now users will be able to save pictures and videos for later viewing. To do this, simply click on the icon in the tab view below the post.