
Google has created a Doodle dedicated to the sensational discovery of NASA. At a press conference on February 22, the space Agency reported the discovery of seven exoplanets in the system of TRAPPIST-1.

From February 2017 the social network Facebook began to offer users the friends import from VK. About it reports Roem, with reference to the observations of users. Earlier, a similar is used, for example, address books, email services, looking for friends by email, etc.

Twitter continues to give companies new tools to improve customer service. The latest innovation in this field is the addition of user profiles for staff support services. Currently, they are tested in closed beta.

Instagram introduced a new feature that allows user to post up to 10 photos and video in one publication in the carouselform. About it reported in a company blog.

Google begun to launch a new version of labels for AdWords ads. Now they will be issued in the form of text in a green frame.

Social network VK to launch a virtual network operator in mid-July. About it reports RNS, citing a statement made on a conference call with analysts CFO Group Matthew Hammond:

Facebook announced about the launch of two new features in Analytics for Apps. Now marketers and developers will be able to compare data about the two segments simultaneously to see which other websites are coming.

Google announced that the organization Media Rating Council (MRC) will conduct the audit of visibility metrics of YouTube advertising which provided by external partners.