Google created a Doodle for exoplanets
Google has created a Doodle dedicated to the sensational discovery of NASA. At a press conference on February 22, the space Agency reported the discovery of seven exoplanets in the system of TRAPPIST-1.
Star TRAPPIST-1 – red dwarf in the constellation of Aquarius, which is located at a distance of 39.5 light years from the Sun. According to NASA, three of the seven planets in this system are located in the so-called habitable zone and may not be suitable for life.
Doodle is an animation, the plot of which the Earth together with the Moon watching outer space with a telescope and see seven new planets, sending them a greeting.
"Although scientists still have a lot of work before they will be able to tell whether any of the planets in the system TRAPPIST-1 suitable for life, the potential of this discovery is very promising" — Google Doodle blog