Search Marketing news

On the Internet a lot of debate about what affects the price of a click in Yandex.Direct and what is not. And how these indicators are linked. Focusing on the issues of advertisers and some popular myths, Yandex.Direct re-described the key terms of the rules of displaying and interface on two сribs.

Google AdSense told what to do in that case, if your ad code is used on other sites. In particular, if you see in the reports or in the list of sites with resources that don't belong.

Marketing Director of advertising products Google , Matt Lawson have prepared answers to common questions about the most recent innovations in display network (display network). We are talking about the launch of native ads, cross-device remarketing, extensions', and increased "Traffic store".

Experts Merkle noticedthat Amazon is testing accommodation product listing ads in Google AdWords for the first time since the launch of the PLA.

Team Yandex.Direct announced about the launch of a new targeting – interest in mobile applications. Now publishers can show ads only to users who prefer mobile apps from certain categories.

English-speaking users have noticed that Google is testing the display of three product ads in the top search results. Usually this section displays 4-6 PLA. Moreover, they often presented in the form of a carousel.