Social news

Team VK announced about the possibility to copy advertising records. Before a adverting companies is needed to duplicate manually, and now in an advertising office on the announcements page in a few clicks you can copy an entire record or only the ad settings and targeting.

Team VK announced that from today users of the network will be available to preview Microsoft Office documents: text files .doc, and .docx, spreadsheets in .xls, and .xlsx, presentations in .ppt, and .pptx. Files do not need to download to the device, clicking the document will open in a new browser window or in the VK application.

VK is negotiating with the CTC Media, UTV, TNT, Bazelevs and other production and TV companies to create exclusive content for social networks. About this report Vedomosti with reference to the participants of the discussions.

Instagram allowed all advertisers to show their ads in the Stories section. This was reported by the press service of the company.

Social network Facebook released a separate video app for TVs. Originally it was released on Samsung Smart TV. A day later it also became available on the Apple TV fourth generation.

Social network OK showed increased of advertising revenues by 25% in comparison with the year 2015, without increasing the amount of advertising. As reported in the official blog of the social network, increased revenues from mobile advertising formats. Mobile advertising increased by 29%.

Social network VK announced about the launch of the new application for communities — Status of orders for the online stores groups. The app helps to notify the customer about the status of their order directly in the social network. If you change the order status in CRM, client almost instantly recognizes, did the payment for the chosen goods or when he will be delivered.

February 24 marks a year since the launch of the smiles reaction smiles in Facebook. 365 days of publication in the social network received more than 300 billion of such responses on the part of users.

Facebook has expanded access to mid-roll advertising in live broadcasts for a growing number of content creators in the United States. The company also started test the so-called advertising breaks in the usual, reports Marketing Land.