Apps news

Facebook announced about the launch of two new features in Analytics for Apps. Now marketers and developers will be able to compare data about the two segments simultaneously to see which other websites are coming.

WhatsApp launched a new section Status. In it users will be able to publish autodelete status updates including photo, video and GIF. All of them will disappear within 24 hours.

Mobile application VK is integrated taxi service. About this report Izvestia, citing sources close to the company.

Mobile app for messaging OK Messenger has reached 1 million installations on iOS and Android since launch. As reported in the official blog of the social network, at the beginning of the year the messenger entered the top 5 most downloaded iOS apps of social networks in Russia.

Facebook announced that soon the videos in the news feeds of mobile social network applications will run with the included sound.

Google has updated the error reporting application scan Search Console. About it is reported on the page Data Anomalies in the Help center service.

In Google Maps for Android and iOS appeared the possibility to create lists of places to send them to others, and follow the collections of people whose opinions you trust.

Google Chrome app for Android received support for WebVR – an API for JavaScript that allows you to ensure compatibility with VR headsets. Now browser users will be able to view online content for virtual reality devices.