Google Play will clear the application without a privacy policy
Google has notified the developers around the world about the upcoming deletion from Google Play those apps that lack a privacy policy. About it reports The Next Web.
The text message states that fell under the sanctions of the app require access to contacts and other user data, without explaining how this information will be processed.
The Next Web notes that Google will affect millions of so-called zombie apps, as well as those programs whose creators are not interested in drafting privacy policies or simply don't know how to do it.
However, other developers welcome Google's plan:
"I think it’s fantastic, this will clear the Google Play store of so many junk and zombie apps that our games will find increased visibility on the store as the search terms will become much less cluttered.
This will make it easier for people to be able to find our app’s like Hop Hop Ninja! with better keyword searches like ninja or Nerd Agency and find much more relevant results. (A previous pain point of developing for Android)This will clear Google Play from many "junk" and "zombie apps" that will make our game more visible in the search results," — said the Creator of the game Hip Hop Ninja! Jack Cooney.
The developers received a warning, needs to make the necessary changes before March 15, 2017. After that date, Google will hide violate the rules of the application and then delete them.