Google news

A couple of months ago, Google decided to transfer the entire Internet to HTTPS, encouraging users of the Chrome browser to visit only HTTPS sites.

Google Alerts users complain that the service stopped sending alerts. This subject is actively discussed on the forum a Google Web Search Help.

Holding Alhabet (parent Google company) has shut down the project Titan which was developing drones-satellites for Internet distribution in remote parts of the world. About it reports 9to5google.

2012 precision technology Google's speech-recognition increased by 30%. About it said a leading software engineer Jeff Dean at the conference Frontiers of AI, which takes place in California.

Google has updated My Business API to version 3.2. Now developers will be able to get through the programming interface local statistics such as:

Yesterday, one of the webmasters via Twitter complained that the link operator returns incorrect data to Google. In response, the representative of search John Mueller advised not to use this operator. For whatever reason, he did not elaborate.

From January 10, Google has started to lower positions in the organic results pages that use interstitial ads and pop-ups format. Below is everything you need to know about this change.

Google has updated beta version of its Android application, adding shortcuts to frequently used functions on the home screen Google Now. They include widgets for weather, cafes nearby, solitaire game, calculator, upcoming events and more.

The most interesting experiences powered by Chrome Experiments. They not only demonstrate the level of complexity that today's available Internet technologies, but also have considerable educational value.