
Recently Google might have updated the algorithm, which processing low quality links. About it reports Search Engine Land, citing multiple reports of the foreign webmasters.

The initiative group of the Open Internet Project (OIP) submitted to the European Commission a new complaint against Google. It argues that the company violates antitrust laws by imposing restrictions on manufacturers of Android devices.

The representative of Google's John Mueller acknowledged that embedded YouTube videos can slow page load time.

Yandex updated app for iOS and Android. As reported in a blog of Yandex, the app for iOS is able to search without Internet. The application saves the answers to popular search queries and shows them even when no Internet or it runs very slow. This is useful when you need to quickly obtain a short help message: for example, to find the phone organization.

Google is working on a new rendering tool in the Search Console. It can be used to see how the search engine handles the HTML version of the page. About it told the representative of the search John Mueller during a regular meeting with webmasters.

Google buys an online platform for researchers in the field of data analysis and machine learning Kaggle. The company announced about it on the Next Cloud conference, which took place in San Francisco. The terms of the transaction were not disclosed.