
Rabeel Dennis
| Pakistan
476LinkedIn Contacts
111Twitter Followers
am currently working as Digital Marketing Strategist and Consultant at Pac and copy Plus where my job is to strategize and plan ahead for clients, looking in to all areas of digital marketing and make sure everything is working fine and the team under me is getting maximum opportunities to learn and grow, projects are meeting client expectations and business goals.

Brittany Berger
| New York, USA
500LinkedIn Contacts
79Twitter Followers
Hey there! Thanks for cybercreeping your way over to my LinkedIn profile. But is it creeping if you have a good reason to be here (which I'm sure you do)?

Boaz Sasson
500LinkedIn Contacts
70Twitter Followers
Ex SimilarWeb SEO/PPC/Social - Open to new offers

Robert Wright
| Hotchkiss, USA
500LinkedIn Contacts
43Twitter Followers
Organic Web Strategist and Marketing Expert

Andrey Lipattsev
| Partner Development Manager, Search and Integrations, Google | Zurich, Switzerland
500LinkedIn Contacts
18Twitter Followers
Current Company Google

Dmitriy Ugnichenko
| Project Manager, MI | Kyiv, Ukraine
11Twitter Followers
He is engaged in search engine optimization for over 10 years. He participated in major projects. He is well-known blogger. Affiliated with an international company MI. In social networks, Facebook, VK is one of the most popular search engine optimizers by the standards of the Internet audience attention.

Joost de Valk
| Netherlands
500LinkedIn Contacts
I'm passionate about digital marketing and open source. At Yoast, I try to push the limit of both. With my background as a developer I can often bridge the gap between marketing and development departments in companies.

Sergey Ludkiewicz
| Moscow, Russia
He graduated from the department of "Applied Mathematics" and graduate of the Tula State University, defended his thesis for the degree of candidate of technical sciences on a specialty "The use of computer technology, mathematical modeling and mathematical methods in scientific research." Internet marketing and, in particular, SEO, started in the year 2000.