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Robert Wright

Robert Wright

| Hotchkiss, USA
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Organic Web Strategist and Marketing Expert

Hi, I’m Robert Wright. My clients call me “Mr. Web Guru” and for good reason.

Since 1995 I’ve worked for and with some fine Internet design, host and marketing firms including I-mall, Alaska Web Sites, Alaska Web Art, the Rocky Mountain Internet Coop, Aurius Web Design and Ajax Design and many other firms and agencies.

Since 1999, I have optimized and helped promote many Web sites for many special people from diverse professions and industries.

Can I help you? It is certain.

Contact Robert Today... Cell: 970-379-2744 mrwebguru (at) tds.net

Specialties: Solution Driven Marketing Strategies Advanced Keyword Research Digital Semantic Forensics Web Content Creation Search Engine Optimization - SEO Content Theming Domain Crisis Resolution Search Engine Marketing - SEM Social Media Strategist Social Media Optimization - SMO Social Media Marketing - SMM Branding Reputation Repair and Management