Hey there! Thanks for cybercreeping your way over to my LinkedIn profile. But is it creeping if you have a good reason to be here (which I'm sure you do)?
So a little about me. I'm sure that's what you're here to find out.
I'm a marketer with a love of words - both writing them and reading them. Luckily, I spend a lot of time with them. I love finding that balance between what will bring readers in, and what will make them stick around through the all the stages of the marketing funnel.
Words have been good to me, as well. Through them, I've gained experience in:
- Writing blog content
- Blog management
- Content strategy
- Writing for public relations
- Ghostwriting
- Social media marketing
- Public speaking
Find out more: http://www.brittanyberger.com/what-i-do
I like to move fast, try new things, be creative as frequently as possible, and hopefully write a thing or two about the experience along the way.
Specialties: social media, public relations, communications, blogging, online marketing, content marketing, inbound marketing, email marketing, writing, marketing automation, content strategy