
Google AdWords has published an official guide on ads by sending a message with a click. It tells how to attract the attention of those users who prefer to communicate via SMS. According to the company, nearly two-thirds of smartphone owners send a mobile message more than five times a day.

Marketing Director of advertising products Google , Matt Lawson have prepared answers to common questions about the most recent innovations in display network (display network). We are talking about the launch of native ads, cross-device remarketing, extensions', and increased "Traffic store".

Analytics company Nielsen has published the top 10 most popular apps in 2016 in the United States. Most of the items in this list (8 of 10) took Google and Facebook.

At the end of last month on the forum Google Webmaster Central Help discussed an interesting question: how to change the scanning speed for a large number of subdomains at once.

The infrastructure update Google Search Console could temporarily affect the data in the report "Links to your site". About this said the representative of the search John Mueller in response to a question from webmasters.

Website SEO Hero School created for the WIX contest is not bad ranked. For example now ranked higher on request "seo hero" than Most likely due to links from the site However, it is worth noting: the Wix sites are ranked very well, as stated by the representative of Google, expert John Mueller:

In 2017, the WhatsApp messenger will stop working on smartphones with outdated software. About it reports The Daily Express, with reference to the developers of the program.