AdWords guidance for the ads send SMS by clicking
Google AdWords has published an official guide on ads by sending a message with a click. It tells how to attract the attention of those users who prefer to communicate via SMS. According to the company, nearly two-thirds of smartphone owners send a mobile message more than five times a day.
Below the main points of guidance:
1. Create understandable and useful reports
- Give the topic of ad in accordance with the theme of the campaign or ad group.
- Write a message text that will motivate users to contact you.
- Time display messages to the working hours of his office.
- Create messages in such a way to attract the right customers.
- Whenever possible, use local phone numbers.
- Consider how to move from message to another method of user interaction, if the need arises.
- Create a system to track value interactions when exchanging messages.
- Track the frequency of their messages.
- Use all extensions that can be useful for your business.
- Use remarketing lists for search ads and email lists to work with your messages.
Recall that Google introduced ads with SMS click-through in October last year.