
Nate Shivar
| Founder, Shivar Web Consulting | USA
500LinkedIn Contacts
846Twitter Followers
SEO & Digital Marketing Consultant at Shivar Web Consulting

Jeff Louella
| Georgia, USA
500LinkedIn Contacts
811Twitter Followers
Since the mid 1990's, the Internet has been my passion. From the early days of using Netscape Navigator to the current modern day mobile devices, I have studied the fine art of cross-browser compatibility. I was one of the leaders of the local Philadelphia grassroots web standards movement and the founder of the Philadelphia Standards Organization.

Sona Bulgadaryan
| Armenia
500LinkedIn Contacts
755Twitter Followers
SEO Consultant at Boaz Sasson Consulting LLC

Mikhail Karpov
| Russia
500LinkedIn Contacts
578Twitter Followers
Professional skills • Focus on the user and creating the most useful products; • Creation and development of successful products from ideas to implementation, analysis and further growth; • Clear objectives in a frequently changing requirements; motivation and initiative team.

Anton Konikoff
| Founder, Acronym Media | New York, USA
533Twitter Followers
Global CEO, Founder Acronym Media

Tripp Hamilton
| US
403LinkedIn Contacts
441Twitter Followers
I currently work at Hive Digital, a marketing firm that strives to make the world a better place by promoting businesses are dedicated to creating a better world. Whether that is through renewable energy, promoting equal rights, or any other altruistic endeavor, Hive Digital lines up perfectly with my personal ideals of equality, sustaining basic human rights, and conservation of our environment.

Simon Kloostra
| Netherlands
500LinkedIn Contacts
441Twitter Followers
Joomla! webdesigner and SEO specialist at SK-Web

Juan Felipe Rincon
| Google | Dublin, Ireland
500LinkedIn Contacts
427Twitter Followers
Juan Felipe leads a team of support web masters in the quality team of Google search. His mission and the mission of the team is to help website owners to create useful content for users. Now the main work is to help site owners with protect the site from hackers and other malicious.