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Tripp Hamilton

Tripp Hamilton

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I currently work at Hive Digital, a marketing firm that strives to make the world a better place by promoting businesses are dedicated to creating a better world. Whether that is through renewable energy, promoting equal rights, or any other altruistic endeavor, Hive Digital lines up perfectly with my personal ideals of equality, sustaining basic human rights, and conservation of our environment.

At Hive Digital, my focus is primarily with the SEO industry software we own and operate, which are Remove'em (a backlink removal and penalty recovery tool), nTopic (a content optimization tool), and several other SAS products. I head the QA department which focuses on auditing new clients' backlinks, clearing any of our new clients of Google Penguin penalties, and monitoring existing clients profiles to ensure any nefarious actions are swiftly detected.

On the weekends (depending on the time of year), you can find me at an art museum, local music venue, or cheering on NC State (GO PACK!). I have a distinct love for music and the arts, and have regularly attended many events in the area such as First Friday, Hopscotch Music Festival, and many others.

I graduated from North Carolina State University with a degree in History and a concentration in American Studies in 2011. During my time at NC State, I got involved with a several groups, most importantly was my fraternity, Sigma Pi. We hosted many different fundraisers such as Skate for Sam, 5Ks for the Battered Women's Shelter and Suicide Prevention, and Habitat for Humanity. We also regularly volunteers at road-side cleanups and the Wilmington Street Men's Center.